Apparently, it takes time to convert all of one's albums into gradient representations.

Hover over an album to get a little blurb about it. (Most blurbs are unfinished, I think)



Electronic artist with a slightly eccentric style. Yeah, he made the Minecraft music. He made a little bit more than the Minecraft music. It's worth checking out literally everything else. I'd start with 148, but I'm biased and also every album is different.

Released in 2010, remastered around like 2021. BLURB UNDONE
Life Changing Moments Seem Minor in Pictures
Released in 2011. BLURB UNDONE
72 Minutes of Fame
Released in 2011. The music of everyone's childhood.
Minecraft - Volume Alpha
Released in 2013. Have you ever wanted to hear the same melody over and over? It actually works really well. BLURB UNDONE
Released in 2013. BLURB UNDONE
Minecraft - Volume Beta
Released in 2015. My favorite album, where my favorite C418 song Semantic Satiation comes from.

Why are intros always so good?
Released in 2017. A nifty little album. Apparently it runs at 90 BPM the whole way through.
Released in 2018. Uhh I think it's neat, I think the most special tracks are the short build-uppy three letter tracks. Like WOOOOOOOW
Released in 2021. I don't think anyone was expecting this.
Cookie Clicker - EP
Released in 2020. Currently the first and only official remix so far to appear on C418's Apple Music page that he didn't make himself. That's probably significant
Aria Math (Protostar Remix)


Alternative-ish (i mean, alternative is already a genre that gets stretched out) but also kinda pop and also autotune is pretty cool and also breakcore-ish stuff is pretty cool. Start with Running.


Released in 2021. You've probably heard of Tek It which apparently made the rounds on TikTok, but have you heard of the other 8 tracks on this album that are freakin awesome?
Released in 2023. Favorite track, hands down, Unchained Memory.
I dislike their release pattern here, where they released 3 singles, then this EP (which just has 2 new songs). The new songs are pretty neat though
Love Songs for the End - EP
A remix EP released in 2023. I haven't actually even listened to the Sped Up tracks. Not really that kind of person. Slowed down tracks, however, I can get behind.
Would've been cool to put the acoustic for Unchained Memory though. I know you have it. It's on your goddamned YouTube.
Versions for the End - EP
excluding sped up tracks
2019 (released alongside Tek It). I'm so used to listening to albums only that a song being relegated to single-only feels very unfair. (Though at least that means there's a POINT to having singles.)

This is a damn good song.
2019. Ughguhguhg acoustic tracks!!!
Tek It (Acoustic)

Nine Inch Nails

This is the guy that made Closer. Please refrain from thinking about Closer, it's literally only one song. If you don't know about Closer, uh. This is like very rockish but with an electronic tinge. I feel underqualified to tell you where to start


Released in 1989. Certainly sounds like 1989. Like yeah Head Like a Hole and Terrible Lie? pretty good. Album is alright. but it's just alright imo.
Pretty Hate Machine
Released in 1994. Yeah it has closer on it, shut up,
The Downward Spiral
excluding Closer and Big Gun
A remix ALBUM released in 1995, for The Downward Spiral
Further Down The Spiral
excluding Eraser (Denial) and Erased, Over, Out
A double album released in 1999.
The Fragile
A remix EP released in 2000. Not quite as good as Further Down or Still. Though I could probably go back through it sometime soon and try it again.
Things Falling Apart
only Slipping Away, The Frail, Metal
2002 - includes some stripped back versions of songs from The Fragile plus some extra songs. Of note is And All That Could Have Been.
Released in 2005. Awitha teetha.
With Teeth
Released in 2007, takes place in 2022.
Year Zero
A remix album from 2007, every track gets remixed!
"Year Zero Remixed"
excluding Me, I'm Not
Released in 2008, was made in like 4 weeks.
The Slip
Released in 2013. The deluxe version has three bonus remixes, which I think are cool. Plus like an hour of Trent talking about making music.
Hesitation Marks
specifically the iTunes deluxe edition i think
Released in 2016, part one of The Trilogy (and yes that's the name of the trilogy).
Not The Actual Events - EP
Released in 2017, part two of The Trilogy. Behiiiiind the backgrouund woorlllllld.....
Add Violence - EP
Released in 2018, part three of The Trilogy. BTW it's an album not an ep
Bad Witch - Album
1997 you can taste The Fragile in this one
The Perfect Drug

Jack Stauber / Jack Stauber's Micropop

Weird. Start with HiLo?

Released in 2015. Acoustic "folk"-ish stuff.
Released in 2017.
Pop Food
Released in 2018. Sort of his main style shows up here. Favorite song: Leopard.
Released in 2019. A 100-song collection of Micropop songs (typically 30 seconds in length each).
2018. An extended version of a Micropop track.
Two Time
2018. An extended version of a Micropop track.